SPEED – We can now go from scan to sample in just one day. Our 3D flipbooks can reviewed by the customer as they are completed, instant delivery. The 3D designs are sewn in a scanned actual fabric, which gives all the true garment characteristics, look, drape, and texture of the desired garment. This also leads to a tech pack being built simultaneously. Within the tech pack is a detailed optimal cutting layout for utilizing as much of the fabric as possible to reduce wastage and maximize yields. Fittings are done virtually with the spec of each brand’s ideal fit model. An avatar can be created to ‘your model’. 3D can also be utilized on your actual web store.
Calendar—The impact on the calendar is a reduction of actual old-school steps. Once in place, this greatly reduces lead times for each area of development. Each process of a normal calendar is reduced dramatically as development steps are reduced, and the time needed for the revised development steps will be reduced. Thus, we can create a fast, dynamic, static action plan personalized for each customer.
Cost savings – A greatly reduced need for sample fabric, samples/SMS are 2x FOB, shipping charges eliminated, and actual infrastructure needs are reduced. Time is money, and the speed of the process immediately reduces costs. All is virtual so all records are easily reviewable. No more binders that fall apart and are never reused. Teams can also be nimbler as customers can leverage our infrastructure to accommodate their needs.
Merchandising – Buyers can work directly with teams to create styles when building a line/capsule. Fabrics, colors, and graphics can be changed instantly. We can design a digital showroom for meetings based on your team's needs and desires. Each digital showroom can be designed to cater to the needs of the meeting. Algorithms can be utilized to understand historical data.
Visibility – Each team member can view and work their aspect of each style/capsule/ season within our Clo3D design- network.
Sustainability – All virtual, with no carbon footprint, and immediacy to review, correct, and deliver.
Test Products/Categories – Create new product categories/capsules aimed at your ideal customer